While hoping to prepare our church to effectively understand and celebrate the meaning and importance of Veterans Day 2023, the Second Springers found ourselves teaming up with Beds4Vets.
Too many homeless vets, despite having the will to get back on their feet, do not know what to do, or whom to turn to. When they think they have finally found a way out through a government program that gets them into a house and off the street, they quickly learn that in a house is all it does. No power, no heat, no food, no shower curtain, no bed, for them or their spouse, or children. How can they prepare for a job interview?

Sadly, many come to the realization that they were better off homeless and return to the streets where shelter is hap-hazard, but other needs may still have a hope of being met.
Beds4Vets, realized these basic needs were intentionally going unmet, the needs that would help keep the vets and their families under a roof. So they stepped in and began helping one family at a time. This organization is 100% volunteer. Not one person derives a salary, NOT ONE PENNY!!! However, the need is great. They have need of volunteers of all abilities and skillsets.

Matthew 25:40 King James Version
40 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.