Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
Our purpose is "disciples making disciples" but that isn't limited to our community in Bear, DE. Missions are our passion and we'd like to thank you for partnering with us in accomplishing Christ's call over our lives.
Go and make disiciples of all nations.
Go and make disiciples of all nations.

We are passionate about missions! Below we highlight a few of the current ministries that we support locally and around the globe. For an extensive list, click the button below
DIAspora mission center
Join the mission
“To belong to Jesus is to embrace the nations with Him.” — John Piper
In the wake of COVID-19, it was thought that missions would be placed on hold for the indefinite future. But the truth is that mission doesn't start in a far away place, it starts in the here and now. Right in our own nation and communities.
Be on the lookout for future domestic and international missions opportunities!
Be on the lookout for future domestic and international missions opportunities!