
Pastors & Staff

Paul Vaughan

Lead Pastor
Pastor Paul is both a great leader, as he will tell you in his leadership class, but thankfully a great follower as well.  Following his son, Pastor Daniel is how the Lord blessed GSBC with Pastor Paul.  To God be the Glory!!! He has recently been heard to say he is finished with moving!!!  His Life verse comes from the Book of Hesitations: 21:22 All Note Takers go to Heaven!

Michael Agreen

Elder Mike joined GSBC in 1997 and now oversees both the Worship, and Communication ministries.  He has a unique style of leadership that uses both humor and seriousness.  Some say they don't know when he is joking and when he is not.  When teaching he often he just listens as the spirit leads the conversation, interjecting only as he himself feels lead to do so. Those who know him know that he loves God, his family, and his church family. He is grateful for the blessings and gifts God has graced him with and desires only the best for others.  
Life Verse: Colossians 3:23-24 Whatever you do, do it heartily, as for the Lord, and not for men; Knowing that of the Lord you shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for you serve the Lord Christ. 

Jessie Arce

Associate Pastor
Pastor Jessie Arce is a natural sower, always faithful to plant seeds of faith today, and is equally patient to wait for the proper time of harvest. His very first church met under a tree. He started out his ministry serving the street children of the Philippines over thirty years ago. In 2007, Pastor Jessie came to the United States along with his wife Mercy, and their three other children, Hannah, Eunice, and Josiah. They were reunited with their eldest daughter Mary Grace, who came a year earlier for college. Pastor Jessie was called to become the senior pastor of Healing Water Bible Church International (HWBCI), a Filipino-American church. He led the successful merger in 2013 of HWBCI with Good Shepherd Baptist Church (GSBC), an American church. He is a visionary leader for this flock and is calibrating the church to embrace diversity and be diverse in nature to align with The Great Commission.
Life Verse:  The One who calls you is faithful, and He will do it. – 1 Thessalonian 5:24 

Carlos Xavier

Student Pastor | Ignite Outreach
Pastor Carlos recently joined the Pastoral Staff in 2021 as the Student Pastor of GSBC while maintaining a Pastor role with Ignite the Flame church.  He has shown a God given talent for flexibility, going from Baptist to Pentecostal, from Student/Youth to Adult groups, from inside worship to outside mission, from 100% Pastor to 110% Husband and Father while maintaining a 200% friend and brother to all he meets.  He is the "crazy" glue the Lord is using to bring to bear on our community a Partnership between GSBC and Ignite, using the strengths of both bodies to the Glory of God while letting God use our weaknesses to His Perfect Will. 

Larry Dela Cruz

Elder Larry oversees both the building and the finance ministries.  He is well known for having to supply donuts to the Elder meetings as his watch is on Filipino Time. He also has a GREAT sense of humor and will forgive me for this!!!

Krystle Ramos

Children's Ministry Director
Nobody does VBS like Krystle.  That being said, Krystle has a heart for ministry and a heart for the children of Christ like no other.  She visibly displays the Love of Christ in all she does.  Krystle is also very active in our overseas missions efforts and plays a key role in the Filipino Mission Center.

Diane Bell

Church Secretary
Diane is one of the few original members of GSBC.  She has seen and done it all.  Always feeling God pulling her to serve, she has continued to lead and serve where needed.  Currently, as church secretary, Diane keeps the minutes for the Elders and they look to her for her Godly wisdom in input.  Diane has a heart for her Church Family, but really shines when any of her immediate family join her in worship, as they have moved away, but as a testament to Diane's Love, they all still call GSBC their "Home Church".