Who told you that?

May 19, 2024    Pastor Paul Vaughan

In this week's message titled "Who Told You That?" we will explore how we often let other voices define us. Whenever you feel like a failure, whenever hope seems distant, whenever you think, “It’s a dark day, and there’s no way tomorrow will be brighter,” pause and ask yourself: “Who told me that?” These thoughts are not from God. God has a plan for your life—good, prosperous, and filled with hope! When voices urge you to give up and say it will never get better, remember that God's opinion is different. Today, let His words and His thoughts about you take precedence. His voice should carry the most weight in your life!

Scripture: Genesis 3:9-11, Proverbs 4:20, Proverbs 4:23, Matthew 16:21-23


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