The Never Ending To-Do-List

The Never Ending To-Do List
Posted on Mar 13, 2016 in Devotions
Author: Shiela Bernardo
Hand writing So Many Things in To Do List with red marker isolated on white.
The busyness of life never stops building up. We always find that we never run out of things we need to do.

And our mental tabs of to-do’s span various areas from family demands, to chore work, ministry tasks, school projects or work deliverables. Most of the time, we easily find ourselves overwhelmed. Yet somehow the list regenerates itself. And for every item crossed off, there’s room to add a new line. And it feels like we never make a dent and are back to square one.
You may be one who responds like a deer in a headlight and just freeze and do nothing at a crucial bit, and then all of a sudden it just hits you. Or even if you’re the kind who musters up the will to run like a well-oiled machine to tackle all of these, at a certain point you ultimately feel drained.
So what should you do when you are in this type of situation? You put God first. Yes indeed. You pray for His Spirit to help you out. You can plug in to the power source that created the whole universe in just six days, and still had time to rest on the seventh. In Matthew 6:33, it was promised: “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”  It’s this simple. Everything will fall into its place if you tackle what’s important in the right order. You can accomplish more when you rely on God, and not just your own limited ability.

♥ Shiela Bernardo volunteers as the Communications Director of GSBC. She is a budget nerd who is keen to stay on track with her family’s goals. She perpetually seeks to demystify how to keep the house clean. She is a business analyst by profession & a self-taught computer programmer. She blogs about family, faith, and finances in her spare time.

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