God’s Great Love

God’s Great Love
Posted on May 14, 2017 in Devotions
By:  Ava Cabalza

One of my kids want to serve our country. The first time he told us, I bawled like a child, thinking about what might happen and how worried I would be every time he’s gone. I asked him not to go. He asked, “If not me, then who?”. I quickly replied, “Someone else’s kid”. I didn’t think of how selfish that sounded, I just wanted my child to be safe.

I’m worried about all the sleepless nights. I’m concerned about his safety. I’m distressed about his future. I’m distraught that he might get hurt. I don’t think any mom would put themselves through this voluntarily.

I cannot imagine how it might have felt to give His child to save people, knowing that he would suffer immensely before his death.
Now I’m thinking, what if God did the same? What if He decided that we don’t deserve to be saved and didn’t give us Jesus? What if He did not want that heartache? What if His resolve was to just walk away and let us be? I cannot imagine how it might have felt to give His child to save people, knowing that he would suffer immensely before his death. I realize that I would never, as a mother, be able to do the same. How great is our God!  

We lay everything down at His feet, pray and trust Him with all our hearts.
Shawn’s decision was made when I had just started my walk with Jesus. Now that he has decided to follow Jesus, we lay everything down at His feet, pray and trust Him with all our hearts. I know it will never be easy but prayers and supportive family and friends are giving us the strength to go through it. I will never be as unselfish as our God, that is human nature.  I would always have  reluctance about my son wanting to serve. But, I thank Him everyday for giving His son to die for my sins and pray that one day I would be completely okay with mine’s decision.

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” – Joshua 1:9

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