God Speaks to Us

God's Truth
Have you ever prayed and asked God for something and when he reveals it to you, you do not believe it? Why do we find ourselves praying for something only when we believe the answer comes, we push back on it, or we make ourselves believe what we are hearing is not true? I recently have found myself in prayer over the direction God wants for my life. I have been praying for a couple of months, and suddenly, the Holy Spirit revealed it to me. Instead of being excited that my prayer was answered, my first thought went, “Am I hearing what is real, is it fake or is it, you, God?”

What I do know to be truth - God speaks to you and me through His word. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 states,“All Scripture is God-breathed and useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” Have you ever read a bible verse and seen it repeated often? This happens to me all the time. I see the same verse while reading my daily devotional or when it pops up in a social media post. God is using His unfathomable truth and words to speak directly to you.

Do you believe God speaks clearly to us? Remember when Jesus spoke directly to Saul on the Damascus Road (Acts 9:7-9)? You may think this is hogwash and this does not happen in real life, but that voice you hear when no one is around, and it just hits you out of nowhere. It will change your life. You have the choices: to listen to God speak audibly to you,  to listen to your fleshly desires, or to listen to the devil. I know which one I choose. Do you?

God also speaks to us through other people. One of the signs that God is speaking to you is wise counsel from other people. This is where I heard my answer to my prayer. I had a conversation just that morning with my husband and no more than 30 minutes later, I received a call from a co-worker whom I served with in the Navy, who is a Christian. She felt the need to call me and tell me a story she heard at her bible study about a woman praying the same prayer I had asked God. I do not find this as a coincidence. God used my friend to speak to me. I get chills thinking about the Holy Spirit moving that day. But make sure that what you receive and hear from other people is godly. How do you know if what you just heard is wise counsel is, in fact, godly? Read your Bible and learn God’s word for yourself. Then when others counsel you, you will know if what they are saying is in line with God’s word. 1 John 4:1 “Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see if they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.”

Lastly, a sign that God is speaking to you – is just knowing that he is. If you are a born-again, baptized believer in Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit is always with you. ALWAYS! But how can I be sure whether what I am hearing is my imagination, or from the Holy Spirit? Again, immerse yourself in the Bible and read for yourself. If your gut instinct does not line up with what God says, it is not Him, it is you. He will block the path you have set and align it to the way He wants you to live and His plan for you.

You may not believe this, but I struggle with what I hear as an answer from God as truth at times. But please understand this, family, if we continue to put God’s word on our lips and heart and open our ears to His voice, we will overcome the struggle of not believing what we hear is true. We need to remove the blinders of our preconceived notions of what we want to be the truth and be open to hearing the only truth that matters. God’s truth! Isaiah 55:3 states, “Incline your ear and come to me; hear that your soul may live; and I will make with you an everlasting covenant, my steadfast, sure love for David.”

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