Do We Have To Sell Everything?

Do We Have To Sell Everything?
Posted on Sep 18, 2016 in Devotions
 By: Shiela Bernardo
The young man said to Him, “All these things I have kept; what am I still lacking? Jesus said to him, “If you wish to be complete, go sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me.” – Matthew 19:20-21
When I first read these verses, I took it literally that each one of us would need to sell everything and follow God. It felt very convicting to have leisure in life and not be in full time ministry. But in inspecting this closely, I noticed that Jesus response was pointing to the Ten Commandments. But it wasn’t the full ten He made reference to.

The Ten Commandments, in this index, were broken into two groups. One half of it are commandments concerning God, and the next group are commandments concerning people.

When the rich man asked what else he should do to enter the kingdom – he confirmed that he already does all the “works” side of the equation. But what was lacking was his full devotion to God. He really couldn’t put God ahead of his riches and for that, it is apparent that his idol was his possession and social status.

Remember that God is a personal God, and in this conversation, He addressed the question on a personal level. Jesus is not asking all of us to sell everything and follow Him. That was a direct answer to this one particular man who has made possessions his source of security in place of God.

What He is really asking is for each one of us to evaluate what gods we have besides Him – and that is what we need to get rid of. He has to come first. “Thou shall have no other gods besides me.” Circling back to the group of commandments that this rich man has overlooked. We have to find ourselves living a life of full surrender.

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