Full Circle

Full Circle
Posted on Apr 16, 2017 in Devotions
by:  Elder Alan Bernardo

A few days ago, my eldest sister texted me a picture from a long time ago. It was an image of the two of us on her wedding day fifteen years ago. As I reminisce, I thought about the events of that day. The sharply dressed wedding entourage, the many people that attended, and the good times we had with family and friends. But most of all I thought about how different things are now. Not only did we change physically, but also our lives are completely different. Most notably, my siblings including myself have children now and an ever-evolving family life.

Today, I consider myself to be truly blessed. Biggest thanks go out to my parents for their hard work and patience. I am forever grateful to them. But I also thought about my grandfather’s influence in our lives. I saw in him how to care for people and one’s family. As a defense lawyer, he worked long hours to help others, but he made sure to spend time with his family and grandchildren. Two words come to mind when I think of him and that is Love and Sacrifice. Everything comes full circle, now I see the same thing from my siblings and I. How we would do everything we can for our children.

No greater Love and Sacrifice could ever compare to what our Lord God has done for us.
I believe that it is because of our parents and grandparents’ upbringing that we strive to be good providers for our family. But one thing I know for sure, is that no greater Love and Sacrifice could ever compare to what our Lord God has done for us. And that is to give His One and only Son to die for us because of our sins.
John 3:16 says,
“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.”
As we celebrate Easter Sunday, let us remember the true reason as to why we are celebrating this day. It is because Jesus after he has taken all of our transgressions and He is Risen! Through him we are forgiven yesterday, today and tomorrow.

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