Out Of Rhythm

Out Of Rhythm
Posted on Aug 21, 2016 in Devotions
By: Shiela Bernardo
Walking CadenceIt is challenging to be taken out of your regular routine, especially if you have worked so precisely to maintain structure in your day. It’s like scattering matches out of its box, you feel like you are just all over the place and need to gather your composure and organize your thoughts before you can take on the day.

We feel as though we know what to expect already on days when we run on default, but then suddenly things are shaken up. A left jab slits through from out of nowhere and you feel the blow… Whether it’s your car breaking down and you’re in need of a major repair but you have no room to spare in your budget; or your responsibilities at work overtake your sanity and you obligatorily put in more hours than you would’ve expected; or you bust out a trivial argument with your spouse that caused a heavy heart. It took no warning to ruin your cadence and then it instantly overwhelms.

Honestly assess how you approach life’s curve balls because it speaks volumes of the kind of person God is building you up to be. When your character is in the process of being polished, you may notice that the pattern of tests that stares at you right in the face recur and spur familiar reactions out of you. But until you’ve learned the lesson God is teaching you, then you will keep getting tested in that same area until you pass with flying colors. Sync with God who can give you a strong sense of direction as well as unequivocal peace that will make you levelheaded to see right through the road block and into the way He is directing you to walk in.
And I will lead the blind
    in a way that they do not know,
in paths that they have not known
    I will guide them.
I will turn the darkness before them into light,
    the rough places into level ground.
These are the things I do,
    and I do not forsake them.
– Isaiah 42:16

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