Start Fresh: How to Live Rested in an Exhausting World

As we step into a new year, many of us are looking for a fresh start. But what if instead of just starting fresh, we could start rested? This week's sermon at Good Shepherd Baptist Church explored how to live a life of rest in a world that often feels exhausting. Let's dive into the key points and takeaways from this powerful message.

The Invitation to Rest

What Does It Mean to Rest in God?
In Matthew 11:28-29, Jesus invites us to come to Him for rest: "Come to me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." This isn't just physical rest but a deeper, soul-refreshing rest that comes from trusting in God's provision and love.

The Rhythm of Rest
Genesis 1 introduces a unique rhythm of life that starts with rest. "There was evening, and there was morning—the first day" (Genesis 1:5). Unlike our typical day that starts with work and ends with rest, God's rhythm begins with rest and then moves to work. This sets a foundation for a life that trusts in God's sufficiency.

The Importance of Rest

Rest as Trust
To rest is to trust that what God has done is enough. Our value doesn't come from our work or achievements but from being created in God's image and being loved by Him. This was a crucial message for the Israelites, who were enslaved and valued only for their labor. God reminded them that their worth came from Him, not their work.

God's To-Done List
Before we even start our day, God has already done so much for us. He created us, saved us, and continues to work in our lives. Recognizing God's "to-done" list helps us put down our "to-do" list and rest in His accomplishments.

Practical Steps to Start Fresh

Daily Rhythm of Rest
Incorporate rest into your daily routine. This could be through prayer, reading Scripture, or simply taking a moment to reflect on God's goodness. Starting your day with rest sets a tone of trust and reliance on God.

Weekly Rhythm of Rest
Observe a weekly Sabbath. This doesn't have to be a strict day of rest but can be a time set aside to focus on God's goodness. Attending church, spending time with loved ones, and engaging in activities that refresh your soul are excellent ways to observe this rhythm.

Seasonal Rhythm of Rest
Take extended periods of rest throughout the year. This could be vacations, retreats, or special times of reflection and celebration. These seasons of rest help us reset and refocus on God's work in our lives.

Life Application

Trusting in God's Sufficiency
As we enter the new year, let's challenge ourselves to trust in God's sufficiency. Instead of filling our lives with endless tasks and goals, let's start with rest and trust that what God has done is enough.

Questions to Reflect On
1. How can I incorporate a daily rhythm of rest into my life?

2. What steps can I take to observe a weekly Sabbath?

3. How can I plan for seasonal periods of rest this year?

4. Am I trusting in God's sufficiency, or am I trying to prove my worth through my work?

Starting fresh isn't just about setting new goals or making resolutions. It's about adopting a new rhythm of life that begins with rest. By trusting in God's sufficiency and incorporating rest into our daily, weekly, and seasonal routines, we can live a life that is not only productive but also deeply fulfilling and restful.

Let's embrace this new rhythm as we step into the new year, trusting that what God has done is already enough. Happy New Year, and may you find true rest in Him!

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