Finding Joy and Connection in the Presence of God


Welcome to our Sunday gathering at Good Shepherd Baptist Church (GSBC). Whether you're joining us in person or online, we believe that God has a word for you today. As we set our hearts and minds on Him, let's prepare to receive His message and grow as devoted followers of Jesus.

The Power of Presence
**"How Can I Feel Connected in a Lonely World?"**

In a world where three out of five people feel lonely, it's crucial to understand the importance of being present. Loneliness isn't just about being alone; it's about feeling disconnected. Jesus modeled the power of presence by being with His disciples, not just physically but emotionally and spiritually.

**Mark 3:13-14** tells us that Jesus appointed the twelve disciples "that they might be with Him." This week, challenge yourself to be more present with the people in your life. Whether it's at work, in your neighborhood, or even at home, lift your head from your devices and engage with those around you.

Practicing Hospitality
**"What Does It Mean to Be Hospitable?"**

Hospitality is more than just opening your home; it's about opening your heart. The Bible commands us to practice hospitality, as seen in **Romans 12:13** and **1 Peter 4:9**. Jesus exemplified this by eating and drinking with people, often in the most unlikely places and with the most unlikely people.

This week, prioritize a meal with someone. Invite a neighbor over for dinner, ask a coworker to lunch, or share a meal with your family without distractions. Being hospitable can break down walls and build meaningful connections.

Being Real
**"How Can I Be Authentic in My Relationships?"**

Authenticity is key to overcoming loneliness. The social media trend "Be Real" highlights the need for genuine connections. Jesus was authentic, and people were drawn to Him because of His realness. **James 5:16** encourages us to confess our sins to one another and pray for each other, so we may be healed.

This week, put yourself out there and be real with someone. Share your struggles, fears, and joys with a trusted friend or family member. Authenticity fosters deeper connections and brings healing.

Life Application
**"How Can I Apply These Lessons to My Life This Week?"**

1. **Be Present**: Intentionally engage with people in your life. Smile, ask questions, and listen.
2. **Be Hospitable**: Invite someone over for a meal or coffee. Share your space and your heart.
3. **Be Real**: Open up to someone you trust. Share your true self and encourage them to do the same.

Questions to Reflect On

1. **Who in my life can I be more present with this week?**
2. **How can I practice hospitality in a meaningful way?**
3. **What steps can I take to be more authentic in my relationships?**

As we go about our week, let's remember to put ourselves out there again. Be present, be hospitable, and be real. By doing so, we can overcome loneliness and build deeper, more meaningful connections. Let's challenge ourselves to live out these principles and experience the fullness of joy in the presence of the Lord.

**"Father, help us to be more present, hospitable, and real in our relationships. Guide us to connect deeply with others and reflect Your love in all we do. In Jesus' name, Amen."**

Go make disciples and spread the love of Jesus. We love you all!

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