In Times of Weakness

In Times of Weakness
Posted on Nov 20, 2016 in Devotions
by:  Theresa Abadgreatest-weakness
When I was asked if I can contribute to the church blog, I immediately said yes.  In fact I said I already have a message that God is pouring in my spirit at that time.  A few weeks later, I was reminded that they will soon publish my writing.  I am dumbfounded!  I’ve got nothing to write!  ‘Where is that message, Lord?’  More like our life.  One day we are happy, the next day we are sad. Some days we are strong, some days we can’t even get up.  One moment excited to write, another time our mind is blank.
How I wish it’s all good all the time!  How I wish there are just ups and no downs!  How I wish life is always easy.  We can keep on wishing but whether we like it or not, persecution will come.  Trials, tribulation, problems, testing, however we want to call it, they are bound to happen throughout our life.  So what can we do in those down moments?

* Cry all you want and complain all you want to God.  Open up to Him and tell Him how you feel (Ps. 42:5).  Acknowledge that you are not ok.  Follow up with, ‘Lord, I want to be ok’ and then start praying.  If you don’t feel like praying, know that Jesus is interceding for you (Rom. 8:24, Heb. 7:25).  God’s in control!  
* Tell yourself ‘This too shall pass.’  No storm took a long time.  Winter is always followed by spring.  After the great flood, a rainbow came out.  Yes it hurts so bad but hang in there because it won’t stay that way.

* Ask for help.  Ask your pastor, an elder or a spiritually strong friend to pray for you.  See the qualification?  Be wise in picking.  You want to be encouraged after you shared your problem.  You don’t want someone to reiterate how bad your situation is.  You want someone who can bring you to the Answer.

* Find someone to pray for and start praying for them.  Help someone in need.  Yes you read it right!  Doing this will take your mind off yourself and focus on others.  Thinking about your problems will only make it bigger.  But as you take care of others, God will care for you.  God’s got you!

* Rest (Mark 6:31, Ps. 62:5).  Wait on God.  Commune with Him.  Praise Him.  Don’t take any action unless you clearly hear from God (Eccl. 5:2).  There are so many voices out there.  Shut them all off (even your own) and just listen to His voice.

* Rejoice.  Be at peace for this is a time you get closer to God.  Keep on talking to him when at work, when driving, when alone.  Cry to Him again, complain to Him again if needed, just focus on Him and then you will find your rest. In Him.
Our life is not our own, it’s not about us.  God allowed it for a reason.  We choose if we will be bitter or better through it.  In all these, if we choose His ways, our eyes will see how Jesus will turn our test into testimony and our mess into our message. 
Last thing we need to do – give Him all the glory!

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